Yes, with all this wedding and event coordinating going on....I get to plan my own wedding! And I could not be more thrilled. I was quite in shock for a few days after the proposal (as I was totally surprised!), but the initial shock has begun to wear down, and I'm becoming more excited as the days continue.
Okay for everyone who has been asking, here's the scoop:
Friday, November 12, 2010.
I knew Titus and I were going on a "surprise date" that evening for our 16 month anniversary......yes yes, that should have cued me in right there, but I kept thinking, "no, no..we haven't talked about getting married so there's no way he would ask me this soon. Spring, summer, maybe." Hah.
After getting off work Friday, I decided to run an errand and couldn't remember what time he was planning on picking me up. After texting him and asking, then him calling back asking how much time more time I needed, we pushed it back half an hour so I had to time to wash my hair, etc. (man I feel vain hehe). And did I wash my hair? Nope. Ended up not washing my hair because I ran out of time. How I wish I had.
We ate a quick bite then "went on our date."
SO our first stop was Red Mango (frozen yogurt place). We had been on a date there this last summer, so it was neat to go back again...but this time I now lived in College Station and have a job that I love with so many other blessings....whereas the last time we were there, I was job-hunting and unsure of what my "next step" in life would be. After Ty told me to go find a table, he casually said he had to go get something out of his truck. He came back with a shnazzy looking journal - that has some kind of retro, urban painting on the cover. I loved it. I'm into details. He knows me.
He then proceeded to tell me the game plan of the evening: he would take me around town to different "stops" and read me an entry from the journal he had written. Of course the typical girly, "aww that's so sweet" came out of my mouth (Or maybe it just seems ultra sweet now since Josh Groban's 'When You Say You Love Me' is now playing on my computer...). Despite the creative, romantic-ness of this idea, I only thought it was creative date and nothing more. But oh, was there more.
Our next few stops consisted of/represented places we had previously been which meant a lot to both of us. We went to (or tried) to go to "Aggie Mountain"...which represented our spring break, Colorado ski adventure..where he broke his leg & i stayed with him a couple days in the hospital. Definite bonding time.....or really a time for me to think more about our relationship and have lots of quiet time... as he was sleeping from strong drugs for most of it. The other locations included the Welsh house (where I used to live), Kyle Field, and Wolf Pen Creek park. All very sweet notes, and I may, or may not have been emotional while he read them to me. He also made a CD we listened to as we drove around - titled "Crystal" which had several of my favorite songs.
Now to the good stuff. It's all good really, but this is where it gets exciting:) :
As we pulled up to a cute coffee shop/wine bar, I wasn't at all phased when I noticed it was our first date location, Terrazo. You see, any other girl would probably be downright shocked and immediately suspect the boyfriend's forthcoming proposal. However, Titus was that caring and original boyfriend of whom all men should be jealous. What phased me a bit was when he told me to close my eyes after we got out of the truck.
With eyes closed, he led me around the side of the building, awkwardly down some steps and through a candle-lighted dirt/stone-lined path. He sat me down in a chair, then sat opposite me. Then told me to scoot up a bit to the table since I was far away. As I reached out to feel where the table was, I felt a table cloth. Not sure why -- but when I felt the table cloth, I thought " OH MY GOSH.. is this a proposal for reaaaal?" Apparently table cloth = proposal. At that point, a server came out. As she said "good evening guys," she put down a plate of chocolate cake and 2 coffee drinks and then left.
I was told to open my eyes, then Titus read the last journal entry. This time it was a lot shorter, but the end said "I can't wait to start the next chapter of our lives..." I couldn't say anything. Couldn't believe it was actually happening. He stood up. Then I stood up. He said some other stuff...can't quite remember all words..and in what order...but I do recall a "want to spend the rest of my life with you," and an "I love you Crystal Red, would you marry me?"
After holding my face in disbelief and saying "Oh my GOSH" about a thousand times my reply was "umm YES!" He started laughing because I couldn't move my hands. Weird - they just kind of, froze. So he put the ring on for me and then it began to pouuur down rain. I love rain so it was no big deal. We grabbed our cake and coffee drinks and ran up to a pavillion area of the coffee shop and got to sit there while it rained. We just talked about how long he had been planning it and how he had asked my parents, etc. I finally noticed my gorgeous ring! I kind of forgot about it with the whole shock of the actual proposal. It is exactly what I would pick for myself. And it is his grandmother's diamond. Very special.
Finally, after our good friend, Ian Kissell, came out of hiding (thanks for all your help Ian!), he took some pictures (Some shown above), then we decided we would go back to Titus's house to "talk more about it." As we pulled up I noticed my roommate's car, then my grandparent's car......then several more cars.
"Everyone's here?" I asked. "Yep!" My fiance said. Heart started racing, tear ducts started welling. I was about to walk into a room of 50 people that I cared about who have affected both of us in one way or another. What a blessing! It was such a sweet memory and I wouldn't have had it any other way!!
And now, I will be Mrs. Titus Bagby come July, 2011. CAN'T WAIT! Enjoy the pictures above!
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